Miron and Andrea Hlywa's Weight Between (Formally) January to June of a Non-Defined Year
Information about the work in semi-progress.
The composition which is attached below is a direct translation of a graph made by Andrea and Miron Hlywa in attempts at loosing twenty pounds over the formal duration of six months. The graph was translated to a musical score, where each scaled note is representative of a different half pound and each second is representative of one day. Each performer, then, is representative of a different line made on the graph. The conductors represent the goal weight over the duration of the six months indicated by horizontal lines pointing downwards and the singers represent the actual weight, charted in fluctuating interest at different points of times.
This work was performed at the greenhouses pictured below at Goldsmiths University. I have attached a video of one of the practises of the performance, a professional video is being scheduled to be shot of the work later this month and so I am sorry about the quality of the video. I have included it so the jury could get a gist of the performance.
The form would change if given the opportunity to perform at the festival, the singer would be on the street or in a park, with a tremendous amount of dough spilt over and coming toward them from behind. (drawing underneath)
Performers and editors which have helped with the first performance and which you can see in this application: Bonnie Callaghan, Niki Zohdi, Liselotte Klint, Catherine Chapman, Rodrigo Camacho, George Shrapnell, Francesco Venturi
The password for the video is body
Drawing of performance applied with
The graph
Line 6 Conductors Score (goal weight)
Line 5 Conductors Score (goal weight)
Line 6 Conductors Score (goal weight)